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Jan Ringoš, Tringi.TRIMCORE.cz

Endeavours  » 


This page summarizes my most interesting public or corporate talks that I have given. These talks were mostly about programming, advanced software development and other areas of my expertise. Due to my duties and responsibilities talks listed here are my last. Anyway, something is coming up in 2025, so stay tuned :) But please note that my talks are conducted in Czech language.

Game Developers Session 2008

Sobota August 13th 2008, 18:30, Brno, Hotel AVANTI [link leads out of this web]
http://gds.ceske-hry.cz/game-developers-session-2008/program/45 [link leads out of this web]


Download: gds2008.ppt

Slides; Czech only; Used as a clue for this talk.
File size: 0.7 MB

A less formal talk about the next major revision of the C++ programming language. Optionally with short history into the language. Begins with introduction to standardization process and issues, explains need to update the wording of the standard, and impact of this update to general public of programmers. Final part describes some of the largest new features of both the core language and the standard library, and explains which changes will have the largest impact.

C++ - Breaking dogmas
Ostrava, various locations

Looking up details about this talk right now.

About ISO/IEC 60870-5 protocols set and my implementation of variation 104
TELE DATA SYSTEM, spol.s r.o. in Ostrava

Support presentation for one particular industry project. See IEC 60870-5-104 protocol for further details.


Download: tds2007-iec60870.ppt

Slides; Czech only; Used as a clue for this talk.
File size: 0.9 MB

Basic schemes of code protection

A very short support talk to my older paper regarding my paper Obecná schémata ochrany kódu (Czech).

More details about this talk will come.
exertion of the imagination, portfolio library and software repository