- E-Mail: Tringi@TrimCore.cz
Instant messaging
- XMPP: Tringi@jabber.root.cz
- ICQ: 191-705-780
Internet Relay Chat
- QuakeNet.org #Ceske-Hry.cz
- Curriculum Vitae: www.ringos.cz
- Tweets: http://twitter.com/JanRingos
Jan Ringoš @
- GitHub.com/tringi
: my free and opensource projects
- SourceForge.net
: user page and list of associated projects
: library user activity
- DeviantArt
: fotographs and graphic works gallery
- ELVAC a.s.
: software developer
- Jezdecký Oddíl ATHOS
: horse investor and stable supporter
- HyundaiClub.net
: brand fan and road pirate
- Svobodní.cz
: libertarian voter